Video index
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
Adjournment in Memory (upon request)
Apr 20, 2021 Commissioners Court - Special Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
2. Discuss the COVID-19 response, plans for COVID-19 testing, alternative care sites, Governor Orders, amended Orders, and activities related to area economic recovery; receive update from the Nueces County Emergency Operations Center.
3. Discuss Hurricane and Tropical Storm recovery, including items related to Bob Hall Pier, parking lots, roads, drainage, debris removal, other infrastructure; receive update and reports, including Disaster Summary Outlines and Dune Surveys from consultants, Court members, and staff.
4. Discuss Severe Weather Recovery, Disaster Declarations, Utility, Electricity, and Water Supply, reports from Emergency Operations, and other staff, and related matters.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
1. March 24, 2021 April 1, 2021 April 9, 2021
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
1. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Basketball Team, Area Qualifiers.
2. In recognition of Robstown Early College High School Lady Pickers Powerlifting Team, State Qualifiers.
3. In recognition of Veteran's Memorial Eagles Girls Volleyball team.
4. April 2021 as "Safe Digging Month".
5. In support of HB 4621 - relating to the number, terms, and compensation of the commissioners of the Nueces County Drainage and Conservation District Number 2.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Don Manuel, Corrections Officer III, retiring after 33 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Annette DuVall for 20 years of service with the Nueces County Child Welfare Board and the Nueces County Child Welfare Foundation.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
1. Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities.
2. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
D. Authorize payment of bills - group health insurance claims and fees by Boon Chapman dated April 06, 2021, and the month of May 2021.
H. Approve the following Diabetes Contracts for FY 2020-2021 1. Texas A&M University Corpus Christi, Antonio E. Garcia Arts & Education Center- Total $2,000.00 Commissioner Pct 1 - $1,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,000 2. American Diabetes Association - Total $10,000.00 County Judge - $2,000; Commissioner Pct 2 - $1,500; Commissioner Pct 4 - $6,500
N. Approve purchase with DebtBook for software needed to aid County Auditor in meeting Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reporting requirements on Annual Financial Reports.
R. Ratify Amendment to Professional Services Agreement between Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Nueces County, and Nueces County Hospital District for extending termination date.
T. Ratify Emergency Interlocal Agreement between Nueces County and Wilson County for Performance of Postmortem Examination.
U. Ratify Short Term License Agreement with Corpus Christi Retail Venture LP for space at La Palmera mall related to COVID-19 vaccination operations.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider the approval of Change Order No. 1 from Geofill Construction for the Horace Caldwell Pier Observation Deck.
2. Receive Texas Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Authority 2020 Annual Report; discuss and consider execution of professional services agreement with the Texas PACE Authority for purposes of administering the Nueces County PACE program.
3. Receive update from Animal Control Advisory Committee.
4. Receive presentation from the Department of Family and Protective Services on the status of Child Welfare in Nueces County.
5. Receive presentation from Buckeye Partners regarding their Southern Rail Hub and Solar Project at McKenzie Road and CR 44.
6. Receive information from the Nueces County Medical Examiner's Office and the District Attorney related to the current workload of the Medical Examiner's Office.
7. Discuss and consider approving interlocal agreement for Medical Examiner Services with Wilson County, and related matters.
8. Discuss and consider approval of request for improvements to the 13th Court of Appeals on the 10th floor of the Nueces County Courthouse, pursuant to Section 22.214 of the Texas Government Code.
9. Discuss and consider updating Texas Health and Human Services’ Contractor Certification of Contract Information and related documents.
10. Discuss and consider Nueces County Capital Improvements Plan 2021-2025 (updated CIP 2019) project prioritization.
11. Discuss and consider Sale of Facilities Agreement (SOF) between Nueces County and AEP for Nueces County Courthouse and jail and Contribution-In-Aid-Of-Construction Agreement for Electric Distribution Service.
12. Discuss and consider participation in the unclaimed capital credits received by the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts from electric cooperatives under Section 74.602 of the Texas Property Code, and certify the purpose of the use of the funds in compliance with the provisions of Section 381.004 of the Texas Local Government Code.
13. Receive information regarding Nueces County’s selection as a FloodWise Community.
14. Discuss and consider execution of second Modification of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed and Third Amendment to the Amended and Restated Development Plan Agreement, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
15. Discuss and consider adopting a Resolution relating to the “Texas Opioid Abatement Fund Council and Settlement Allocation Term Sheet”; and related matters; Case: 201863587, MASTER CASE v TEXAS OPIOID LITIGATION.
16. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19, Winter Storm Uri, and Hurricane Hanna response expenses and reimbursements to date.
17. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during declared disasters as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; severe weather preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and consider approval of interlocal agreement between Nueces County and the Nueces County Drainage District #2 for the County Road 18 Bridge Replacement Project.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 1 for the Nueces County Roadway Rehabilitation Projects County Road 67, County Road 69, County Road 77 & Bauer Road.
3. Discuss and consider approving a Purchase Order with International Consulting Engineers for engineering services related to the County Road 6 and County Road 79A Detention and Water Quality Pond.
4. Discuss and consider execution of an American Institute of Architects (AIA) Services Contract with Richter Architects to provide architectural services related to the new Hilltop Community Center facility.
5. Discuss and consider approval for Hot Mix Asphalt and Base material (HMAC) for Richard Borchard Fairgrounds parking lot located by RV Park.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3158-21 Nueces County Security Services for Courthouse, Juvenile Justice Center and Keach Library.
2. Discuss and award RFQ No. 3156-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Parking Lot Reconstruction.
3. Discuss and award RFQ 3161-21 Engineering Services for Bob Hall Pier Marine Debris Removal and Demolition.
4. Discuss and award IFB No. 3154-21 Nueces County Courthouse and Jail Emergency Generators.
5. Discuss and award IFB No. 3155-21 Nueces County Jail Annex Emergency Generator.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Approve Monthly Financial Report for the month of January 2021.
2. Approve Budget Change Order No. 11 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
3. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 95.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
1. Discuss and consider reclassifying one Assistant Chief Deputy Sheriff position to an additional Chief Deputy Sheriff position.
2. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement to the District Attorney's new Investigator position.
3. Discuss and consider a $10,000.00 supplement for the District Attorney's Chief of Intake.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
Adjournment in Memory (upon request)
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