Video index
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
CONVENE MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV: A. Discuss and consider approval of payment for engineering services for the design of the parking lot at Bob Hall Pier. ADJOURN MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
CONVENE MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV: A. Discuss and consider approval of payment for engineering services for the design of the parking lot at Bob Hall Pier. ADJOURN MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV
Adjournment in Memory (upon request)
Feb 10, 2021 Commissioners Court - Regular
Full agenda
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Full agenda
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
CONVENE MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV: A. Discuss and consider approval of payment for engineering services for the design of the parking lot at Bob Hall Pier. ADJOURN MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
A. County Judge calls for the Invocation.
B. Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America and Texas Flags.
C. County Judge will call roll, note date, time, and location of meeting, and certify a quorum is present.
E. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
G. Accept the following Minutes:
H. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
1. In recognition of the Veterans Memorial Football Team.
2. Requesting Governor to Appeal Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Denial of Major Disaster Declaration and FEMA Assistance.
3. In opposition of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) proposed revisions in determining disaster declaration that trigger Public Assistance funding.
I. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. In recognition of the Nueces County Human Resources Department for the Honoring Investments in Recruiting and Employing American Military Veterans (HIRE Vets) Gold Medallion Award as presented by the United States Department of Labor, for its exemplary efforts to recruit, employ, and retain our nation's veterans.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
1. South Texas Water Authority
2. Nueces County Civil Service Commission
3. Nueces County Board of Coastal Parks Commissioners.
4. Ad Hoc Advisory Committee for Bob Hall Pier.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
C. Authorize payment of bills - special motions list dated February 10, 2021.
K. Approve a finding for the method of procurement (request for qualifications) for engineering services for Bob Hall Pier parking lot reconstruction; authorize the Purchasing Agent to publish a notice; and adopt an order delegating evaluation authority to a selection committee.
N. Authorize execution of agreement with Hagerty Consulting, Inc. for prepositioning for disaster recovery management services, pursuant to RFP. No. 3141-20 Disaster Recovery Management.
U. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Bishop Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
V. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Agua Dulce Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
W. Authorize execution of an Interlocal Agreement with the Driscoll Independent School District in relation to the funding for hotspot services to facilitate remote learning.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Receive presentation from Will Pettus regarding public participation related to the Bob Hall Pier re-build.
2. Receive presentation of the annual report for Nueces County Public Libraries 2019-2020.
3. Receive presentation and discuss Updated Nueces County Capital Improvement Projects 2019, and Americans with Disabilities Act facilities compliance; and related matters.
4. Receive presentation from financial advisors Estrada Hinojosa and Company on a plan of finance for the County issuing 2021 Certificates of Obligation and Refunding Bonds; discuss process for finalizing to bring back to Commissioners Court on February 24, 2021.
5. Discuss and consider adoption of an Order approving updates to the Nueces County Guidelines and Criteria for Granting Temporary Property Tax Abatements, and related matters.
6. Discuss and consider execution of second Modifications of Restrictive Covenants in Special Warranty Deed, related to Corpus Christi Bay Outlets property.
7. Discuss and consider approval of agreement with Global Spectrum, LP for vaccination support services provided at the Richard Borchard Fairgrounds.
8. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Cooperation Act Agreements with Nueces Center for Mental Health and Intellectual Disabilities and Nueces County Hospital District relating to community mental health initiatives for the term October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021: a. Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (Forensic ACT) Program; b. Jail Diversion and Crisis Intervention Services; and c. Walk-In Crisis Clinic
9. Discuss and consider adopting Resolutions supporting Nueces County Hospital District legislation in the 87th Texas Legislative Session: a. Use certain funds for residents of the District; b. Use tax-levied funds for indigent care and to fund health care services, including public health services, mental health and mental retardation services, emergency medical services, health services, provided to persons confined in jail facilities, and for other health related purposes; c. Extend or repeal expiration of the Nueces County Hospital District Health Care Provider Participation Program; and d. Redefine a management contractor for tort claims liability purposes.
10. Receive a report from the Nueces County Auditor, Grants Administrator, Hagerty Consulting, Inc. and Emergency Management on COVID-19 response expenses and reimbursements to date.
11. Discuss and consider approval of overtime pursuant to County policy for essential exempt employees during a declared disaster as it relates to COVID-19, and storm preparedness and response; in addition, authorize payment of overtime to essential exempt City County Health District Employees.
12. Discuss and consider adopting an Order prohibiting outdoor burning in the unincorporated areas of Nueces County, pursuant to Section 352.081 of the Texas Local Government Code.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and consider approval of a Supplemental Agreement No. 2 between Nueces County and Richter Architects for the Courthouse Miscellaneous Project – Exterior Veneer Remediation.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 2 for the McKinzie Annex Evidence Storage Room Project.
3. Approve the renewal of the Septic System Bond for The Royal Estates Unit 2 Subdivision as per Construction Agreement for the subdivision.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3147-20 Inmate Telephone and Public Coin Telephone Service.
2. Discuss and award IFB No. 3148-20 Janitorial Services.
3. Discuss and award IFB No. 3149-20 Law Enforcement Uniforms.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 08 for Fiscal Year 2020-2021.
2. Approve Capital Project Budget Change Order No. 93.
3. Approve Monthly Expense Report for the month of December 2020.
4. Discuss and consider authorizing agreement with Hilltop Securities Asset Management, LLC for arbitrage rebate compliance services.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
CONVENE MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV: A. Discuss and consider approval of payment for engineering services for the design of the parking lot at Bob Hall Pier. ADJOURN MEETING OF ROAD DISTRICT IV
Adjournment in Memory (upon request)
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