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The Nueces County Commissioners Court will meet on the above date at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioners Courtroom, 3rd floor, Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard, Corpus Christi, Texas. SAMUEL L. NEAL, JR. COUNTY JUDGE CAROLYN VAUGHN COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 1 JOE A. GONZALEZ COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 2 JOHN MAREZ COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 3 BRENT CHESNEY COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 4 KARA SANDS, CLERK OF THE COURT INFORMATION ON THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda. It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners Court nor the public has asked to be pulled for discussion. Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge, Commissioner, or a citizen. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Commissioners Court may go into Executive Session to discuss those matters listed anywhere on the Agenda or as otherwise permitted by law. PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public will have the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court during this section on any Agenda Item or any subject within its jurisdiction except a matter related to pending litigation. Each speaker should sign in on the Public Comment Sheet available at the rear of the Courtroom at least five (5) minutes before commencement of the Commissioners Court meeting. Speakers should limit their comments to two (2) minutes. The County Judge may, if he deems it necessary, limit both the number of speakers and the time allotted to each speaker. Under the law, the Commissioners Court may only take action on items specifically listed on the Agenda. Subject matter presented which is not part of the Agenda will be referred to the appropriate department for review and subsequent action. Materials submitted during public hearings will not be returned unless prior arrangements have been made through the County Clerk, with the approval of the County Judge. At least ten (10) copies of any document to be used by any speaker should be available for distribution. The speaker’s name and, if applicable, Agenda Item number should be clearly marked on such documents. Public Comment for items not on the Agenda will normally be held at the end of the meeting. ADJOURNMENTS IN MEMORY: The Commissioners Court may adjourn the meeting in memory of deceased community leaders, County employees, and other distinguished persons. Requests for Adjournment in Memory may be made through any County Commissioner or the County Judge. AUXILIARY AIDS OR SERVICES: Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting of the Commissioners Court, and who may need special assistance, services or auxiliary aids, should contact the Office of the Nueces County Judge (361-888-0444) at least forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
Aug 13, 2018 Commissioners Court - Special Meeting
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The Nueces County Commissioners Court will meet on the above date at 8:30 a.m. in the Commissioners Courtroom, 3rd floor, Nueces County Courthouse, 901 Leopard, Corpus Christi, Texas. SAMUEL L. NEAL, JR. COUNTY JUDGE CAROLYN VAUGHN COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 1 JOE A. GONZALEZ COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 2 JOHN MAREZ COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 3 BRENT CHESNEY COMMISSIONER, PRECINCT NO. 4 KARA SANDS, CLERK OF THE COURT INFORMATION ON THE COMMISSIONERS COURT AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA: At most meetings, the Commissioners Court establishes a Consent Agenda. It consists of those Agenda Items which are routine or non-controversial, and which neither a member of the Commissioners Court nor the public has asked to be pulled for discussion. Once the Commissioners Court has established the Consent Agenda, Agenda Items included on it will be voted upon in one vote, and will not be discussed separately unless requested by the County Judge, Commissioner, or a citizen. EXECUTIVE SESSION: The Commissioners Court may go into Executive Session to discuss those matters listed anywhere on the Agenda or as otherwise permitted by law. PUBLIC COMMENT: Members of the public will have the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court during this section on any Agenda Item or any subject within its jurisdiction except a matter related to pending litigation. Each speaker should sign in on the Public Comment Sheet available at the rear of the Courtroom at least five (5) minutes before commencement of the Commissioners Court meeting. Speakers should limit their comments to two (2) minutes. The County Judge may, if he deems it necessary, limit both the number of speakers and the time allotted to each speaker. Under the law, the Commissioners Court may only take action on items specifically listed on the Agenda. Subject matter presented which is not part of the Agenda will be referred to the appropriate department for review and subsequent action. Materials submitted during public hearings will not be returned unless prior arrangements have been made through the County Clerk, with the approval of the County Judge. At least ten (10) copies of any document to be used by any speaker should be available for distribution. The speaker’s name and, if applicable, Agenda Item number should be clearly marked on such documents. Public Comment for items not on the Agenda will normally be held at the end of the meeting. ADJOURNMENTS IN MEMORY: The Commissioners Court may adjourn the meeting in memory of deceased community leaders, County employees, and other distinguished persons. Requests for Adjournment in Memory may be made through any County Commissioner or the County Judge. AUXILIARY AIDS OR SERVICES: Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting of the Commissioners Court, and who may need special assistance, services or auxiliary aids, should contact the Office of the Nueces County Judge (361-888-0444) at least forty-eight (48) hours ahead of the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
1. Receive calculations of the effective tax rate, the rollback tax rate and the fund balances for Nueces County, Nueces County Farm to Market, and Nueces County Hospital District for 2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
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