Video index
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed anywhere on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. To the extent there has been a past practice of distinguishing items for public deliberation and those for executive session, the public is advised that the Court is departing from that practice, and reserves the right to discuss any listed agenda items in executive session when authorized by law to do so. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed anywhere on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. To the extent there has been a past practice of distinguishing items for public deliberation and those for executive session, the public is advised that the Court is departing from that practice, and reserves the right to discuss any listed agenda items in executive session when authorized by law to do so. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
Oct 19, 2022 Commissioners Court - Regular
Full agenda
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Full agenda
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
4. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed anywhere on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. To the extent there has been a past practice of distinguishing items for public deliberation and those for executive session, the public is advised that the Court is departing from that practice, and reserves the right to discuss any listed agenda items in executive session when authorized by law to do so. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
F. PUBLIC HEARINGS: The Nueces County Commissioners Court will conduct public hearings on the following: 1. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas 2. pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code, changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas CLOSE PUBLIC HEARINGS AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING
H. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
I. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
1. In recognition of Doctor Tim Geffert.
2. In recognition of October 2022 as "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 29, 2022.
3. In support of immediate funding for State Government Mandated Services as set out by the County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas, Executive Board's request to the Texas Legislative Budget Board.
J. Present the following Certificate(s) of Recognition:
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. In recognition of Maria Ortega's 26 years of service to Nueces County.
2. Acknowledgment and recognition of Nueces County Public Works Director and County Engineer, Juan Pimentel, and staff for saving the county approximately 8 millions dollars in drainage and county road work over the past two years by participating in the Innovative Readiness Training (IRT), Department of Defense (DOD) program.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
1. Discuss disaster preparedness and response, including matters related to COVID-19, Emergency Orders, severe weather, flooding, drainage, economic recovery, state and federal assistance, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP), and infrastructure status, and other related matters.
2. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
C. Authorize payment of bills - Special Motions List dated October 19, 2022.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider approval of Contingency Change Order No. 1 for the Calderon Clinic Renovations Project.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider conditional selection for RFP No. 3193-22 Nueces County Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System and Replacement of Timeclocks.
2. Discuss and consider conditional selection for IFB No. 3214-22 Asphalt Patch HP Road Material.
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider approval of reclassification of “Community Outreach Library Clerk” at Pay Group 12/01 to a “Community Outreach Librarian” at Pay Group 26/01 in Department 6310 (Nueces County Library) at an additional cost to Nueces County of $24,716 for the 22/23 Fiscal Year.
2. Discuss and consider reclassifying Constable Pct. 5 Deputy III to a Sergeant/CID.
3. Discuss and consider continuance of temporary supplemental pay for interim Office Administrator currently performing Medical Examiner Coordinator and Office Administrator duties.
4. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Supervisor of Systems Analyst (pay group 34).
5. Discuss and consider reclassification of Systems Analyst (pay group 32) to a Sr. Systems Analyst (pay group 33).
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Discuss and consider reinstatement of “Telecom Management Services Agreement” between Nueces County and Televon.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.
20. Discuss and consider interlocal agreement with the City of Robstown to provide Fire and Emergency Rescue Services to citizens of Nueces County living in unincorporated areas not within the jurisdiction of an Emergency Service District or area not within the boundaries of any other city entities for FY 22/23.
21. Receive presentation from LAN regarding update on ABM projects with the County; discuss and consider questions regarding construction at Nueces County facilities, and related matters.
22. Discuss Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, Inc. (LAN) job performances relating to program management and engineering services regarding the County's Capital Improvement Projects and other matters.
23. Discuss and consider approval of mediated settlement agreement disposing of Marta Ruiz’s claim, address request by Ms. Ruiz’s attorney fees in the amount of $10,000 and determine if the Court will accept the amount and authorize County Auditor to pay the amount approved by the Court; authorize County Judge to execute settlement documents.
24. Discuss and consider clarification for Human Resources to implement changes to County Attorney pay groups included within the 2022-2023 Nueces County Budget; and related matters.
25. Discuss and consider approval of proposed 2023 Nueces County Holiday Calendar.
1. Receive presentation from Southwest Transplant Alliance on organ and tissue transplantation in South Texas.
2. Receive a presentation from the Coastal Bend Disaster Recovery Group regarding their work related to Hurricane Harvey and Texas Severe Winter Storm 2021.
3. Receive presentation on the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study, including Project Team’s recommendation of Preliminary Flood Risk Areas identified for further analysis.
4. Discuss and consider approval of official response to the public notice period for the Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) Region 13 Regional Flood Planning Group; discuss and consider request to include thirty-one (31) additional Flood Management Evaluations/Flood Mitigation Projects identified by the Tri-County Drainage Master Plan Study into the draft regional flood plan for the Nueces Basin.
5. Discuss and consider approval of adding Veterans Treatment Court services to list of approved donees of jury service fees, pursuant to Government Code Section 61.003 (a)(5).
6. Discuss and consider setting a date for the Tesla Abatement Agreement to be considered or adopted by the Court, and directing County Manager to post notice under Chapter 312 of the Texas Tax Code of the Abatement Agreement hearing, and related matters.
7. Discuss and consider funding of Coastal Parks Board approved proposal from Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam (LAN) Engineering to update the Coastal Parks Master Plan and simultaneously create the Coastal Parks Capital Improvement Plan.
8. Discuss and consider request to TIRZ #2 board for fund to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion and Packery Channel Park improvements.
9. Discuss and consider funding the Nueces County Sunrise Pond Nature and Storytime Walking Trail Project at the Nueces County Keach Family Library and the Richard M. Borchard Fairgrounds with ARPA (Pct. 3) funds or CO Funds.
10. Discuss and consider funding for Field of Honor.
11. Discuss and consider allocation of County Transportation Infrastructure Fund funds.
12. Discuss and consider approval of Interlocal Agreement with the Community Supervision and Corrections Department (CSCD) for the purposes of services and assistance to the Magistrates and the Nueces County District Courts and County Courts at Law to fulfill the additional duties required by Senate Bill 6.
13. Discuss and consider the ratification of the hiring of the Head Public Defender, Danica Obregon.
14. Discuss and consider adopting Order changing name of County Road 18 (from the intersection of County Road 43 eastward to the dead end) to Betty Jean Longoria Road, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to 251.013 of the Texas Transporation Code.
15. Discuss and consider adopting an Order changing the name of County Road 43 (from the intersections of FM 2444 southward to County Road 18) to Chuck Cazalas Boulevard, in Nueces County, Texas pursuant to Section 251.013 of the Texas Transportation Code.
16. Discuss and consider Commissioner Brent Chesney’s request to the TIRZ #2 board for 2 million dollars to be allocated to Briscoe King Pavilion for upgrades to the building, parking lot, drainage etc. Said request adheres to the Commissioners Courts policies regarding asking for money from other boards, agencies etc.
17. Discuss and consider resolution requesting the City of Corpus Christi to formally annex a portion of County Road 18 from State Highway 286 to County Road 43 and County Road 43 from Farm to Market Road 2444 to County Road 18.
18. Discuss and consider donation of beach access road easement interest on Mustang Island to the City of Corpus Christi, and related matters.
19. Discuss and consider providing funding to Robstown Area Development Commission for economic development services.