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D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
3. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
3. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
Adjournment in Memory (upon request)
Aug 22, 2018 Commissioners Court - Regular
Full agenda
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D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
3. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
D. Approve the following Minutes:
E. Adopt the following Resolution(s), Proclamation(s), and/or Order(s):
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
1. Healthy South Texas Day - August 24, 2018.
2. In Opposition to Texas Windstorm Insurance Association (TWIA) Premium Rate Increases.
2. PUBLIC COMMENT: This section provides the public the opportunity to address the Commissioners Court on any issues within its jurisdiction. The Commissioners Court may not take formal action on any requests made during the Public Comment period which are not on the Agenda, but can refer such requests to County staff for review if appropriate.
3. CONSENT AGENDA: The following Agenda Items are of a routine nature, and the Commissioners Court has received supporting materials for consideration. All of these Agenda Items will be passed with one vote without being discussed separately, unless a member of the Commissioners Court or the public requests that a particular Agenda Item be discussed. If so, that Agenda Item will be pulled from the Consent Agenda and discussed as part of the regular Agenda at the appropriate time. One vote will approve the remaining items on the Consent Agenda.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
F. Ratify the increase of a DIR Contract No. DIR-TSO-4092 purchase for the Microsoft Software Server Data Center Edition and Core Edition licenses and software assurance from SHI Government Solutions.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Discuss and consider approval of the following for the November 6, 2018 General Election: 1. Early Voting Locations 2. Election Day Voting Locations
2. Discuss and consider appointment of election judges and apportionment of election judges for voting centers per commissioner precinct pursuant to Section 32.002 of the Texas Election Code.
3. Receive update on the Hurricane Harvey recovery efforts from the Emergency Management Coordinator.
4. Discuss and consider accepting the Nueces County Emergency Management Plan animal evacuation and post disaster appendices as presented by the Office of Emergency Management.
5. Discuss and consider approval of the 2018 Nueces County Airport Layout Plan.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Receive a presentation of the long-standing Health District and University of Michigan work-study research partnership, the BASIC Project in Nueces County, and its new 5-year project called “BASIC-Cognitive” by Dr. Lewis Morgenstern, M.D. who is the Principal Investigator of the project, and Professor of Neurology at the University of Michigan Medical School.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider the execution of the Appriss Safety – VINE Service Agreement in relation to automated victim notification services.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and consider approving a one year extension for the Nueces County and LNV, Inc. Engineering Services Contract to design the web based controls for the heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems at 7 (seven) County Buildings.
2. Discuss and consider approval of Change Order No. 11 for the McKinzie Jail Annex Dormitory Renovation Project.
3. Discuss and consider approval of a Financial Guarantee For Improvements Agreement with Maria C. Martinez and Daniel and Sara C. Hanus for improvements in the Santa Maria Acres Subdivision located in Commissioner Precinct 4.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Discuss and award RFP No. 3080-18 Auditing Services.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
1. Approve Budget Change Order No. 21 for Fiscal Year 2017-2018.
5. EXECUTIVE SESSION: PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commissioners Court may elect to go into an Executive Session anytime during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the Agenda, when authorized by the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commissioners Court elects to go into Executive Session regarding an agenda item, the section or sections of the Open Meetings Act authorizing the Executive Session will be publicly announced by the presiding officer. In accordance with the authority of the Government Code, Vernon’s Texas Codes, Sections 551.071, 551.072, 551.073, 551.074, 551.0745, 551.076, 551.086, 551.087, the Commissioners Court will hold an Executive Session to consult with attorney(s) including matters related to litigation; deliberate regarding real property, prospective gift(s), personnel matters, including termination, county advisory bodies, security devices, and/or economic development negotiations and other matters that may be discussed in an Executive Session. Upon completion of the Executive Session, the Commissioners Court may in an open session take such action as appropriate on items discussed in an Executive Session.
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
A. Approve member to the following Nueces County Board: 1. Coastal Bend Council of Governments
Adjournment in Memory (upon request)
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